
6 Apps to Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions


Living in a culture inundated with the urge to change our ways once a new year hits can be incredibly intimidating. Not only is it hard to figure out our resolutions and work at them every single day, but it can be stressful seeing others start on goals, while you wonder how they truly do it.

From planning trips to the appeal of green juice cleanses, setting goals for a new year ahead can be hard and induce a heap load of anxiety that can often hinder productivity and dampen your spirits. But the truth is, resolutions can be scary, especially since researchers at the University of Scranton found only 8 percent of people successfully achieve resolutions every year. You know what that means? It means 92 percent fail. Ouch. Totally disheartening, right? But we’re not the type to stop at failure.

With the first week of the new year officially done, how are you doing with your resolutions? To help you stay on track this year and get more organized, use your trusty devices to hold you accountable and achieve your goals. What’s the point of technology if it can’t help us? Whether your resolution is to eat more healthy or budget wisely, we take a look at some amazing apps to help you be more productive and reach your goals by Dec. 31, 2017.

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Why You Should Be Working Out with Your Significant Other

{Image Credit: iStock}

The best relationships are all about finding balance and harmony in each other. Of course, with the constant clamor of our busy lives though, it can be hard to find that — let alone time together.

But recent studies have shown that couples who make it a priority to enjoy a wide range of shared interests and active lifestyles together actually have one of the more healthier relationships in comparison to those who lead a more stagnant lifestyle and separate their pastimes. Research suggests working out with your partner not only strengthens the bond between you two with effective communication, but the sweating side-by-side has the power to help you both gain a stronger connection.

Marriage and relationship psychotherapist, Dr. Jane Greer tells lifestyle website, YouBeauty that when a couple works out together, “the actual exercise itself can physically and emotionally have a positive impact.” As she reveals, both partners not only increase their endorphins during a workout, but equally come away from the experience with feelings of synchronicity, cooperative spirit and a shared passion.

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5 Ways to Keep Exercising During Winter

Baby, it’s cold outside! Even though you probably want to hibernate in your warm bed this winter and wear your Snuggie forever, that’s not something you can actually do—sorry! Winter weather can make getting up out of bed the least desirable thing to do, not to mention making exercise our Mount Everest. Though working out in the winter is not an easy feat, it can be done with a few simple adjustments.

We know what you’re thinking—you’re a “snooze striker,” hitting the snooze button the exact moment your alarm goes off and there’s no way to stay awake. But keep in mind staying motivated requires only one thing: Your attitude.

In a study from the University of Tampere in Finland, researchers stated that working out in nature leads to a greater emotional well-being and better sleep than exercising indoors—and that fact is no less true in winter than it is for spring, summer or fall. Sure it doesn’t feel like a viable plan with shorter days and darker nights draining our impetus to get outside, but with a creative mind, you can stay active this season by making the most of the cold weather, ultimately beating those winter blues.

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The Benefits of CrossFit for Beginners

Image Credit: Stone/Getty Images

CrossFit has garnered the attention of both men and women for years, but as the core strength and conditioning program grew in popularity over the years and across the country, many more are now turning to it for the added benefits to their daily routine. If you’ve been curious about CrossFit but are intimidated to try it out, firstly, don’t listen to the naysayers who think it’s too intense. Though it’s sold as a no-nonsense and tough workout regimen, when done correctly and attempted with a positive outlook, CrossFit can be fun, safe and super effective.

Here are six reasons why you should try the high-intensity training routine that incorporates weightlifting, plyometrics, powerlifting, gymnastics, kettlebells, calisthenics, and strongman routines to give you a full body workout.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Running (Without Freaking Out)

Coping with the demands of family, work life, school and social activities can often create difficulty when setting aside time or finding motivation to start a new fitness regimen. Today many are integrating a running routine into their lifestyle in hopes to aid just about every part of their health with physical and mental benefits that are well worth the effort. In recent years, studies have proven that running not only has the power to change your life, but make you fit, healthy, and even happier.

For years we have all heard of the “Runner’s High,” and it is truly not a myth. Scientists at the University of Montreal recently discovered that the “high” we experience while running is caused by the body fat hormone “leptin,” an important neurotransmitter that motivates and influences physical activity. Over the years it’s been well-documented and proven that running not only benefits the body by fighting certain types of disease and enhancing moods, but improves self-esteem and generates happiness.

With a wealth of information readily available at our fingertips, the process of understanding how to start can become overwhelming to those seeking a new routine. For those looking to add a run cycle to their weekly routine or those looking for inspiration, check out these five simple steps to get you started on pounding down that pavement.

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