tiff 23

‘Give Your Heart to Everyone You Meet’

January is almost done and honestly, it’s been such a crazy month. As I try to get back into blogging more regularly, I am so humbled by my first year at Collider. I’ve been so grateful to cover some super fun events and while we are planning for the next ones, a big favorite from last year just so happened to be my “premiere” at the 2023 Toronto International Film Festival. 

For years, all I ever heard when requesting to cover this at work was “no,” “not really” and “nah.” But finally, last September, I got a chance to be a part of it — and most importantly, with a team that equally appreciates film as much as I do. I’ve been watching the festival and its highlights on the local news since I was a little girl and always said to myself that I’d cover it one day. I never knew how or when, but I knew it would happen. When I started writing professionally in 2008, I thought now was the time. It wasn’t — and it wasn’t for at least 15 years. Fast forward to today and I’m really glad that day finally came and with my Collider team of all teams, who were so supportive and helpful in this whole process. I’m so grateful. 

While meeting my work family was an incredible highlight, one of my all-time favorite moments was meeting Ethan Hawke, who came into our Collider studio with his daughter, Maya Hawke for their film Wildcat. He was very sweet and kind, and just so warm. We spoke for a few minutes — a conversation I’ll keep close to me. He also signed my copy of “Ash Wednesday,” which meant a lot and just had me over the moon all month. Big thanks to my coworker for giving me the courage too. I am usually so cool around people when I’m doing interviews, but I was absolutely starstruck, haha! Not since meeting Brad Pitt and the Coen Brothers did I feel this way — but that’s a story for another day (blog post). 

I can’t wait for the next event! You will have to stay tuned for what comes next. But in the meantime, check out some more photos from my TIFF 23 experience, and read my reviews or tap to check out all our coverage, helped ideated by yours truly!