
Wisdom Wednesday: Her Heart Is Hiding

As this blog’s history has seen, Wisdom Wednesday is usually just a few quotes that really mean something to me. But because the last few years have been up and down through learning experiences that hit both internally and externally, I wanted to do something different.

Every Wednesday (or so), I’d like to share things I’ve learned over the years stemming from events that have opened my eyes like relationships, friendships, family and sadly, death. For those wondering what the title of this blog signifies, it’s just one of my favorite songs from Princess Goes to the Butterfly Museum that’s left me with a lot of thought at the end of some very starry nights.

To kick off this Wisdom Wednesday 2.0, here are seven things you should never apologize for.

  • Failing. It is not a permanent experience.
  • Following your dreams even if others don’t believe in it or they sound silly.
  • Putting yourself first. Your self-worth impacts your relationships, emotional and mental health.
  • Wanting more. Why should you settle?
  • Trusting your instincts. If you have to rely on others for your answers, you are living wrong.
  • Making mistakes. No one’s got it all figured out — and I still don’t.
  • Loving someone. Especially if you’ve been made to feel bad about it.

What are some things you won’t ever feel sorry about or apologize for? Share in the comments below and give the song a listen while you’re at it!